

The Computing department at Bulmershe offers a rich, stimulating and inclusive curriculum designed to meet the needs of all students at key stages 3,4 and 5. Underpinning our curriculum is a strong awareness that Computing is an essential life skill that enables students to function more effectively in this information age. Consequently, the Computing department offers students adequate learning time, well-structured units of work, full coverage of each curriculum and excellent learning resources at all three key stages.  

Computing is taught in 4 dedicated ICT suites equipped with interactive whiteboards, projectors, printers and all relevant software and programs. In our Computing lessons, students have individual access to with good working PCs. The Computing teaching rooms are together in one block which also houses the IT Technicians. We have a full time IT Network Manager and Senior Technician who both maintain a very reliable network.

At KS3, the Computing department offers a rich curriculum that completely and adequately covers the KS3 National Curriculum for Computing. It strikes a good balance between the three strands of computing: Computer Science, ICT and digital literacy. Units of work have been carefully selected and prepared to provide valuable knowledge, life skills and suitable preparation for KS4 work. Our KS3 curriculum develops practical knowledge of computing, critical thinking, investigation skills, creativity, digital literacy and basic understanding of the fundamental principles of Computer Science. Our KS3 curriculum spans through year 7 to 9 offering 3 hours of learning a fortnight in year 7 and 8 and one hour a week in year 9. This amounts to not less than 144 hours of learning in total at KS3.

Our KS4 spans through year 10 and 11 offering 5 hours of learning a fortnight. At KS4, we offer OCR GCSE in Computer Science and BTEC Level 1/2 Technical Award in Digital Information Technology as alternative options. Our GCSE Computer Science course aims to develop students’ knowledge of computer technology and their ability to understand and apply computational thinking strategies in analysing and solving computing problems. Our BTEC Level 1/2 Technical Award in Digital Information Technology course aims to develop knowledge, creative, practical and technical skills needed to be able to design and create high-quality user interfaces and spreadsheet models. The curriculum develops resourcefulness, creativity and digital literacy.

At KS5, we offer two courses: OCR Advance Level Computer Science and Cambridge Technical Level 3 Extended Certificate in Information Technology. Our KS5 Advance Level Computer Science course prepares students for further or higher education and for entry into a professional career in Computing. It aims to develop students’ computational thinking and problem-solving skills required for the development of computer-based solutions. Our KS5 Cambridge Technical Level 3 Extended Certificate in Information Technology course also prepares students for university education and for entry into the world of work. It aims to develop in students the knowledge and understanding of managing and developing ICT products through practical experience.

GCSE Computer Science

Exam Board: OCR

Find out more about the GCSE Computer Science Course:

Btec Level 2 Digital IT

Exam Board: Pearson

Find out more about our Digital IT Course:

A-Level Computer Science

Exam Board: OCR

Find out more about our A-Level Computer Science Course:

Level 3 AAQ IT: Data Analytics

Exam Board: OCR

FInd out more about our Leel 3 Vocational course:


Teaching Team:

Dr S Uwadiae, Faculty Leader

Mr R McAlaney

Mrs S Dhar

Mrs G Senthilkumar -

Mr E Morden -


KS3 Banding Criteria

If you child is in years 7-9, their report will be graded in bands. To understand the criteria behind these bands, please see the assessment document below:


Further Information

Subject information and course content can be found below. If you have any further queries, please contact the Faculty Leader, Dr S Uwadiae